Once again we had an eventful trip in the camper! It seems every time we go to Lake Somerville something bad has to happen. We had a tire blow out on the way which ripped the wiring under the camper. Unfortunately the torn wires controlled the AC. Lucky for us we had a group of friends camping with us who know a little something about "electrical wiring" and they were able to get the AC fixed! We had a few other "issues" to deal with inside the camper but I won't go into detail about ALL that! Over all it was an ok weekend after everything that happened! We took the kiddos to the beach (if you want to call it that) and Taylor had a great time! Jackson was still a little young to really enjoy it. He just wanted to eat the sand and rocks! Here are a few photos from the weekend-
See where that little boy is out in the water. Well Shortly after this photo there was a snake swimming out there! Jenn was out there with Jackson 5 minutes before she saw the snake! It was at least 2' long!!!
Tay Tay is still rockin the Christmas PJ's!